Rider qjpreviewth
Horse icon

Binds when Picked Up

Requires Level 40
Not Tradable
Effect - -2.5% Sprinting Stamina Drain
-20 Staggering Chance

Summons your horse mount

The horse is another ridable mount, and they can be used for combat and for day to day travel. Your horse, for example, can be controlled to kick with its front or hind legs when in combat, and you can fight or cast spells from its back. Each mount will grant his or her rider buffs in stats, for instance the horse can be equipped with armour which will buff your characters overall armour.

The horse is the most common mount, with the Rhino and the Mammoth being mostly reserved for siege combat.

Prerequisites: [Basic Riding Training]

Type of Horse Level Requirement Cost & Stats
Rabicano  40

75 Silver

Buckskin  40

75 Silver

Dapple Gray  40

75 Silver

Fading Black  40

75 Silver

Mahogany Bay  40

75 Silver

Skewbald Pinto  40

75 Silver

Tobiano  40

75 Silver

White  40

75 Silver

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