Snake big

A standard Python.

In the shadowy streets of ancient Stygia, where the worship of Set holds sway over one and all, the serpent is the living image of their true god. Because of this, serpents are held with high regard in Stygian culture.

It's forbidden to harm a snake for any reason at all. In the cities of Keshatta and Khemi, the faithful live in the constant presence of all manner of serpents. Cobras slither unchallenged through the corridors of temples and vipers sun themselves on the street corners or in the market square without fear. If a man is bitten by a serpent it's the will of Set, and there is nothing for him to do except seek solace in the temple and let the venom run its course. Of all Set’s children, it's the giant python who is revered the most.

These deadly constrictors are housed inside temples all across Stygia, where they are treated as sacred treasures by the zealous priests. When these giant reptiles grow hungry, they are free to leave their temples and stalk the city streets for potential prey. When a Stygian crosses paths with one of the sacred pythons, he must prostrate himself on the ground before the hungry snake and await Set’s judgment. It's considered a great honor to be chosen as a sacrifice for the Great Serpent, as every day men and women willingly submit themselves to the coils of these dreadful beasts. Once they have devoured a victim, the sacred pythons return to their subterranean lairs beneath the city temples and slowly digest their meals.

The pythons of Stygia continue to grow each year they are fed. Sailors who travel the sacred river of Styx, claim to have seen specimens as large as thirty feet in length. It's rumored that within the confines of Set’s temples there are pythons that are hundreds of years old, grown so large that they may feed upon a grown man as easily as a lesser snake eats a common mouse.


A Worshipper of Set with a python.
