
World Bosses[]

There will be 12 bosses in total, some that players might have encountered before during the anniversary event and some are totally new. Each boss will spawn during a one week period each month (a different boss each month) and will have spawn locations distributed over either 1 or 2 outdoor adventure playfields.

The quest giver of the world boss legendary cape quest, The Astromancer, is located at 848,480 in Old Tarantia. He will tell you twelve portents that he had read in the heavens. Which four cloaks you get to choose from depends on the archetype:


  • Dragon Scale Mantle of the Living Legend: 95 str, 40 con, 38 hit rtg, 41 hate inc rtg, 5% ooc movement speed.
  • Fallen Leviathan’s Mantle of the Living Legend: 187 armor, 75 con, 55 hit rtg, 43 immunity rtg, 70 crit dmg rtg, 126 protection, 5% ooc movement speed.
  • [Conversant Mantle of the Living Legend]: 529 combat rtg, 60 hit rtg, 50 fatality rtg, 74 crit dmg rtg, 73 offhand rtg, 5% ooc movement speed.
  • Infernal Mantle of the Living Legend: 52 con, 90 magic dmg, 45 hit rtg, 40 crit dmg rtg, 120 protection, 5% ooc movement speed.


  • Savior’s Mantle of the Living Legend: 56 con, 13.1 nat mana regen, 425 heal rtg, 50 hit rtg, 60 crit dmg rtg, 126 protection, 5% ooc movement speed.
  • Beast Hunter’s Mantle of the Living Legend: 94 str, 227 heal rtg, 292 combat rtg (2hb), 55 hit rtg, 70 crit dmg rtg, 5% ooc movement speed.
  • Thunder Mantle of the Living Legend: 187 armor, 75 con, 55 hit rtg, 43 immunity rtg, 70 crit dmg rtg, 126 protection, 5% ooc movement speed.
  • Star Touched Mantle of the Living Legend: 42 con, 60 wis, 64 magic dmg, 60 hit rtg, 68 crit dmg rtg, 5% ooc movement speed.


  • [Conversant Mantle of the Living Legend]: As above.
  • Slayer’s Mantle of the Living Legend: 100 dex, 274 combat rtg, 45 hit rtg, 22 hate dec rtg, 72 crit dmg rtg, 5% ooc movement speed.
  • Fallen Leviathan’s Mantle of the Living Legend: As above.
  • Terminator’s Mantle of the Living Legend: 75 str, 362 combat rtg, 62 hit rtg, 62 fatality rtg, 74 crit dmg rtg, 5% ooc movement speed.


  • Demon Mantle of the Living Legend: 169 int, 59 hit rtg, 74 crit dmg rtg, 5% ooc movement speed.
  • Infernal Mantle of the Living Legend: As above.
  • Thunder Mantle of the Living Legend: As above.
  • Ash Mantle of the Living Legend: 80 magic dmg (fire), 52 hit rtg, 48 fatality rtg, 74 crit dmg rtg, 480 combat rtg (fire), 5% ooc movement speed.

First Portent: BLACK DRAGON[]


Black Dragon

Black wings shall mark the passing year,

with blood and shadows on the stone....

— The Astromancer

Second Portent: THE KING OF WINTER[]


The King of Winter

The Winter King spreads cold and fear,

among his snowy mountain home.

— The Astromancer



Obsidian Basilisk

And in the narrow streets and ways,

death stalks with claws of ebony...

— The Astromancer

Fourth Portent: DUST FIEND[]

Dust Fiend

Dust Fiend

While Oldblood seeks and finds and slays,

amongst a southern, sand dune sea.

— The Astromancer



The Thrice Drowned

And where the rivers meet and flow,

The Thrice Drowned wake to seek revenge...

— The Astromancer
  • Thunder River (1310, 1650) - south of the graveyard, north of the Palisades rez pad
  • Thunder River (1000, 570) - in the Wilds (green circle on the map, in the south of the playfield)
  • Thunder River (500, 1300) - on one of the islands in the west of the playfield, a bit east of the outlaw camp

Sixth Portent: ICE WORM[]


Ice Worm

And the Wyrm that is your oldest foe,

returns to battle once again.

— The Astromancer

Seventh Portent: SPAWN OF NERGAL[]


Spawn of Nergal

Then Nergal’s spawn reviled and lost,

comes to haunt the southern shore...

— The Astromancer

Eigth Portent: LEVIATHUS SPAWN[]


Leviathus Spawn

While the offspring of Leviathus,

defiles the land and sky once more.

— The Astromancer



Black One Executioner

And men who read what Skelos wrote,

will know what peril stalks the Isle...

— The Astromancer



Remnant of the Lurker

And where the dead men rot and bloat,

The Lurker rises, most reviled.

— The Astromancer

Eleventh Portent: DARK BEAST ALPHA[]

Dark Beast Alpha

Dark Beast Alpha

Seekers search the untamed wild,

to find the Queen of empires past...

— The Astromancer

Twelfth Portent: RISEN INFERNO LORD[]


Risen Inferno Lord

And searching where the ring is strongest,

face the Lord of fire at last.

— The Astromancer